Aram and Emil Covid Photo

It was a momentous day at clinic today, as the inevitable finally went down--we had two patients test positive for Covid-19. The patients who came a few days ago are in good health and spirits and their symptoms have not gotten worse as was my fear in relaying the bad news. However, the danger that their contacts face is a real one. Over the next few days, they'll have to inform all their close contacts. Although their bodies seem to be reacting mildly, someone who gets the disease from them may have a more precipitous decline. That's going to be a difficult pill to swallow. It's the first time I'm thinking of that aspect of this crisis. Actually, I want to commend the brave troops at our office, who have not once flinched in facing the call of duty: Aram, Evana, Patricia, Varduhi, Arpi, and Adrineh, thank you for your courage. I know their loved ones are extremely worried about them and thank each of them, too, for their patience. It starts to really hit home when you see some of the suffering around you. We're living in a crazy time, and it's important to consider the ages-old adage: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I've been saying this for a few days and it's more important than ever that we seriously behave as if we each have Covid-19. Today, I read that even after symptoms cleared in four physicians of Wuhan, scientist were able to grow virus from throat swabs up to two weeks after. With that said, it's hard to know exactly how long to advise quarantine and social isolation. Two weeks? Four? In light of these social distancing recommendations, Aram and I took a modern photo, a covid-style photo, a covidophoto if you will, and wanted to share with you. We have to start thinking of separating beds for a while, rooms if possible, and covering with handkerchiefs that can be washed and reused as a last resort. We have to think of making a daily list of people we come into contact with--these will be the people to notify if we test positive for Covid-19 and vice versa. There are a ton of precautions to take, share yours below and comment on the ones mentioned here. Stay safe, be healthy, and know that we're here for you at the drive-thru.

Dr. Emil Avanes Physician Director at Harmony Health MD

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