Happy Birthday Harmony, The Daisy Anniversary

Can you believe it was five years ago today that Harmony opened its doors?!?

It would be another 2 weeks before we saw our first patients--a pair of grade-school siblings who are now in Florida and a stealy-haired gentleman who has since moved to Camarillo. The nostalgia of those good old days is only tempered by the shear horror of seeing 3 patients here, 2 there, and nothing for several days in a brand new, state-of-the-art facility. Like newliweds in the honeymoon phase, money was not an object. Free visits because of insurance issues, spending hours with patients humbled that they would select us, or buying tens of thousands of dollars worth of equipment that would lay doormant for many moons before the clinic picked up some speed--these were the sunsets and horizons of that first year. As we rolled into 2015, I thought we had it ALL figured out--perhaps a little brazen in approach, but we were expanding. Really, what other medical clinic expands less than two years after inception? If you asked me back then, it was the only way, Harmony had to reach every corner of our community and if one doc was good, two would be better! 2016 continued to be a blur as the team grew to nine incredible individuals and the art of management became a hot topic of discussion. Not a single week passed without discussion vision, mission, and values--some turned blue in the face while other poor souls were forced to turn yellow and green. It was such a fun time because of the incredible people all around who became involved in the practice. Then 2017 came, and we hit a dark patch with water damage that set us packing for a new space. It would have been impossible to continue our mission where we had started in 2013, and so you all suffered through with us as we made the big move to our new building, which brings us to 2018.

Five years into this incredible journey, Harmony stands more resilient than ever before. Did you know that your very own Harmony Health MD has nothing short of 5 stars on various online platforms and scored 99.5% last year on Medicare's Incentive-based Payment System score? With little experiencing in starting or managing a medical practice five years ago, we set out to create the seamless integration of health and wellness. At significant junctures, we failed dramatically. We faced defeat time and time again, but everyone here, past and present, always got back on the horse and pushed ahead for the love of patients and in honor of the mission to engage, empower, and enrich all who through our virtual or actual doors.

Today, we take all that experience and passionately direct our future efforts towards spreading the values that came to represent Harmony: Compassion, Confidence, Trustworthy, Teamwork, Collaboration, Respect, Honor, Responsibility, Integrity, Dedication, Follow-through, Consistency, Rigor, Perseverance, Innovation, Unity. We are the same people who started this operation five years ago, but now we have the tools to do good by our amazing patients faster, stronger, harder, longer. Thanks to each and every person who has been part of our story until now. We hope that you will continue to revel in our successes as we continue to grow over the next five years! #manythanks #muchlove #hhmd4life

Dr. Emil Avanes Physician Director at Harmony Health MD

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