Shout out to Dr. G

I wanted to take this opportunity to say a few words about someone who has been a newer face here at HHMD. From the minute he joined, it was been a blessing because he works hard and always has a smile on his face. He inspires me to be better and always makes his presence felt. He has been caring for all the hospitalized patients from day one at HHMD. I have yet to see someone work as efficiently and effectively, he's like me Version 2.0. It's not easy to join a practice in the middle of all this healthcare turmoil but he makes it look like a piece of cake. When we set up the drive thru, there was hardly any resistance, just an eager and willing partner who wanted to see the project succeed. And when things are not all flowers, he can see it on my face, and without even saying anything, it's better knowing he understands. Today, I pause the Drive-thru updates to celebrate the doctor who makes patients smile leaving their room, who makes the hospital staff want to send their loved ones to see him, who helps the HHMD team get stronger. Dr. Aram Gabrielyan, Happy Doctors Day! May you reach all your goals and achieve peace and happiness for your friends and loved ones. #manythanks #muchlove #hhmd4life

Dr. Emil Avanes Physician Director at Harmony Health MD

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